Interview With a Crossfit Enthusiast- Meagan!


Mel and I love finding information about different types of eating and exercise for our own personal knowledge and for our readers. We understand and promote that everyone’s bodies are different and we all need to find workouts that challenge us. Crossfit has become a huge movement in the last few years and one of our readers is a Crossfit enthusiast. We wanted to share this amazing fitness movement with you. Let us introduce you to our friend Meagan Sarnowski Nelson.


Sister Act Fitness: What made you get into Crossfit?
Meagan: A close friend’s husband became a trainer and in learning more about it, the variety and the difficulty level of it made me interested. 
Sister Act Fitness: What is your favourite thing about doing Crossfit?

Meagan: The variation, we rarely do the same workout again just different variations also the difficulty level. It is at your own pace but being in a supportive CF atmosphere makes you push your limits further. I love seeing my improvements. Even if it’s just adding 10 pounds to my dead lift I get a little happy happy feeling inside hehe. 

Sister Act Fitness: What would a typical Crossfit workout be? 

Meagan: There is really no typical workout. Each class is a different variation. We start with a warm up for 5-15 minutes then work on a strength/skill which could include a specific weightlifting movement or skill that we could work on and the strength/skill is than varied with different amount of repetitions. After that we go into a workout, the workouts range from 15-30 minutes of intense work usually keeping your heart rate up. Crossfit is famous for its common WODs (workout of the day) and they are typically named after a female, or a fallen soldier. These are benchmark workouts and aren’t completed every day but they help measure your progress when you do them again in a month or two. They are usually tougher but I always feel great after. 

Two of my favorite love/hate workouts are:
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 air squats
I love/hate her because it sounds easy but once your 5-10 rounds in you are feeling the burn and  have to learn to push yourself to keep going. 
Filthy Fifty:

For time: 

50 Box Jumps on a 20 inch box

50 Jumping Pull-ups 

50 Kettlebell Swings @30 lbs 

50 Walking Lunges

 50 Knees To Elbows hanging on bar

50 Push Press, 45lb bar 

50 Back Extensions 

50 Wall Balls, @14 lbs 

50 Burpees 

50 Double Unders (skipping)

And this I love/hate because it’s one of the toughest to get through but I feel so accomplished when I finish. 


Sister Act Fitness: Top 5 songs on your workout playlist?
Meagan: We listen to Songza in the gym one I like is Hard Rock, Hard Bod or drop a beat. 
Sister Act Fitness: What is your favourite quote?
Meagan: Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game. OR
A crossfit quote:
the goal is to get fit,
Make it the best hour of your day,
Stay safe,
Turn up the music,
High five some people, 
And blow off some steam.
So remember that,
Relax, have fun, work out. 
-Pat Sherwood
Sister Act Fitness: What is your favourite post workout meal?
Meagan: BBQ chicken and a fresh salad with fruit and nuts. 
Sister Act Fitness: What inspires and motivates you?
Meagan: Feeling great. Even after a tough day, it is a stress reliever. Motivation is to lead a healthy lifestyle to stay active in the things I love. 
Sister Act Fitness: What is your favourite recipe?
Meagan: It’s an easy one, the Maple Blueberry no-cook oats breakfast. 

Sister Act Fitness: My cheat meal I could not live without is…? 

Meagan: Lasagne or any pasta and dessert. I would love to opt out of dinner to just have dessert haha

Sister Act Fitness: What does a typical day in your eating look like?

Daily food:
No cook oats with blueberries 
Fruit or yogurt or both
Chicken, veggies and either couscous or quinoa. If I’m still hungry I will have some salad. 
Apple and cheese
Chicken, small salad, veggies, and either mashed cauliflower (my fav, have about once every 10 days) or we will have a carb such as rice, quinoa, couscous or baby potatoes. 
I do not take any supplements currently other than a BCAA drink during my workout, and on off days. 
Sister Act Fitness: What is your favourite thing about Sister Act Fitness?
Meagan: The updates! I love the recipes and new ideas you’ve tried  it has been a great help and motivation. 
Sister Act Fitness would like to thank Meagan for sharing her healthy lifestyle and Crossfit with us. Have any of you tried Crossfit? What do you do for your workouts? Sister Act Fitness would love to hear from you!  
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