Chips and Dip – well, sort of


Chips and Dip - well, sort of

So as you probably know, eating healthy can be pretty boring. When I first went wheat/gluten free there was a ton of days where I just ate salads cause I thought “What else is there to eat”? Thank goodness years later I’ve managed to become what I think is a good cook (and the boyfriend agrees but he’s been bribed). I struggle a lot with eating enough carbohydrates, especially on tough work out days. You need carbohydrates and protein post-workout to restore your glycogen and help build muscle. As you know I love protein, at any given time there are eggs and cooked chicken in my fridge, however, there isn’t always readily available carbs. I’m working on this believe me.
So the other day when I got home from the gym (I had a scoop of vega protein smoothie in the car on the drive home) I whipped up this beauty.
I heated some coconut oil and added some chopped onion, once the onion became translucent I added the red pepper (a whole one) and some chicken that had already been cooked. Once the red pepper became tender I threw in some kalmata olives and some daiya cheese. I then served it (to myself) with some sweet potato chips (see previous post all about my chipster) and I have to say I was pretty damn full after this meal. I believe it’s important to eat until you are full but not stuffed. Try not to drink too much liquids with your meal as I’ve read it dilutes your digestive enzymes which increases your digestion time.
I’ll keep you posted on my battle with getting more carbs into my diet, this is something I’ve struggled with for a long time so baby steps must be taken


Sweet Potato NOT-CHOS! Dairy Free!


Sweet Potato NOT-CHOS! Dairy Free!

First off please excuse the low-quality picture – I’m still using my Iphone 3GS because I was determined to use the phone for my entire 3 year contract. Well, the contract was up 3 months ago and needless to say my lazy ass still has this ridiculous dinosaur of a phone – stay tuned!

The other day I didn’t know what to eat before the gym but I know I wanted protein, carbs and some of my daiya dairy free mozzarella cheese – with the leftover burger we had in the fridge I made Sweet Potato Not-Chos! The trick to this recipe (besides paying more attention to the broiler so not to burn the chips – oops) was the epicure “chipster” I received for Christmas – this thing is the bomb! All you do is slide the sweet potato over this chipster and out come perfect chips – then you throw them on the Epicure chip cooker (a vented plastic stand) and into the microwave the chips go – after 3 minutes they come out crispy and tasty.
I then laid out the chips on the toaster oven tray, added the crumbled up leftover burger, added some cut up green olives and then added the daiya cheese. I put them under the broiler in the toaster oven for an unknown amount of time (maybe 6 minutes? as you can tell I wasn’t paying enough attention) obviously leave them in there until the cheese is melted.
Remove, top with some salsa and EAT!
This little meal was exactly what I needed to get through my workout


If you don’t have the chipster here’s a recipe I found for some slow roasted sweet potato chips